domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

                                                                                                                                                                              IN MY WEAKNESS

It’s just me and my heart
Feeling the negative atmosphere around
Knowing the weakness of my soul
Attacking my present and my thoughts

Now, I feel insecure and alone
Anybody can see my pain
And the air has stolen every smile.
The whole world is against me

I don’t know exactly who I am
Bad decisions have caught me
I find myself in a dead end
Without hope, without seeing the light

I am the fallen hero
That doesn´t know how to fly,
That has been defeated by the shadows,
That is going down in the mud.

By: Marcela Sandoval

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

My little heaven

When I see my boyfriend I see the heaven. 
His heart is a storehouse of sweetness.
His words are a spring to my thirsty heart.
And when he kisses my lips I just feel flying to the sky.

A metaphor by Marcela Sandoval.

How I feel about my dad?

I feel secure and loved with my dad. For me he is the person who takes care of me every day, even when he doesn't tell me, I know he prays for me. I love his mood and personality because it's totally different to mine. He is tender, he is patient, he is so wise for me, if I make a mistake in life I know he is not going to judge me but talk with me and give me his advice.
I love my dad because he loves me, because he is always willing to make up for my necessities and supports me in every thing I want to do. 

Marcela Sandoval