domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Cinderella's script.

Scene 1


Cinderella: Marcela
Prince: Edwin
Fairy of the prince: Sandra
Fairy of the princess: Darcy
Maid: Leney
Prince’s friend: Enrique

The maid is tidying up the house while Cinderella is texting on her cellphone.

Cinderella: Heey, I am hungry!
                    Bring me the breakfast, move on! I don’t have all day.

Maid: I´m so sorry!
           Hold on a second, I am going to bring you the most delicious breakfast you have never eaten before! Oh God!  I forgot turning the stove off. (The maid runs desperately to turn the stove off)

Cinderella: What the hell is going on? Are you going to turn this into an ashtray?

Maid: I´m really sorry! The scrambled eggs I have prepared for you, have just burned...May I prepare you something else?

Cinderella: Oh man, you´re good for nothing!
                   Did you understand what I meant?
                   I… just…want... my breakfast.
                  Ok, just prepare a sandwich!
Maid: Ok my darling, as you prefer, don’t worry I am going to solve this incident. (Cinderella´s phone rings)
          -Who´s calling?

Cinderella: Hey, mind your own business!
                   Bring my sandwich!

Maid: Ok my dear Cinderella, your wish is my command (sarcastic tone). (The maid goes for the sandwich).

Cinderella: (Cinderella listens to a voice record on WhatsApp)

Prince’s voice recording: Hello honey!
                                         -What’s going on?
                                           - What do you think about going out tonight?

Cinderella: Ohhh honey!
                   I’d travel to Timbuktu for being with you! You know.
                   Just tell me when and where and I´ll be there.

Prince: Ok, I’ll wait for you at 10.
                Be ready love!

The maid: Here you are I hope you liked, because sincerely, I prepared it for you with much love ! (She brings the sandwich)
                  Don’t talk to strangers.

Cinderella: Shut up!
                 - Mind your business!
                 - What a sty, get on with cleaning!

(Cinderella is sitting on her bed calling her fairy. The fairy's phone is ringing)

Fairy of the princess:  Hello my darling, what happens?
Cinderella: I have to tell you something really important, could you come to my home right now?
(The Fairy of the princess is talking alone)
Fairy of the princess: She is going to talk to me about my prince once again, she doesn't get that he is mine only mine.

At Cinderella bedroom

Cinderella: I am.... so excited, It is incredible! I can't believe it.
Fairy of the princess: What's the matter my dear?  Is it about him?
Cinderella: Imagine that, he invited me to a party tonight.
Fairy of the princess: Really? You got what you wanted, to meet him. Poor naive!
Cinderella: Imagine that, he invited me to a party tonight. But... I don't know what to wear.
Fairy of the princess: It's not the problem. I will figure it out!
                         -I'm going to give you everything you need
Cinderella: Yes! It is so nice. You're the best in the world. I love you so much, thanks for helping me.
(Cinderella hugs her fairy and a dress appears magically on her bed)

Fairy of the princess: This is for you, wear it.
Cinderella: It seems awful to me!
Fairy of the princess: (The fairy is sad) Awful? I spent my time looking for the best dress for you and you are telling me that is it awful?
Cinderella: It is just a little but not too much. Don't worry.
Fairy of the princess: Besides, It’s magic! You know, the prince will fall in love when he stares at you.
                He’ll be madly in love with you. (Cinderella changes cloths and she shows the fairy how she looks like)

Cinderella: How do I look like?
Fairy of the princess: You’re looking like you’re, the most beautiful princess on earth.

-Ah wait!  I have something else for you! Close your eyes 1, 2, 3, now open your eyes. Do you like it?
Cinderella: What’s that?
Fairy of the princess: I know for you it is just a bike, but looks can be deceiving Cinderella.
Cinderella: But, it is just a ramshackle bike.
Fairy of the princess: No, no, no! For you, it looks like a bike, but the others see a magnificent chariot. You know, it is the power of the magic.
Cinderella: Is that true? I think you’re lying to me.
Fairy of the princess: No, no, no I would never do something like that, Get out! And check it out for yourself.
Cinderella: Ok! See you later

The prince and his fiend talking at the party.

Prince: I don't feel well these days.
Prince`s friend: What's the matter?
Prince: I think I`m cheating on Cinderella
Prince`s friend: What makes you think that, man?
Prince: It`s the princess` fairy. I like the way she moves her hips
                Those big butts, oh god! she thrills me but...
Prince`s friend: But ...?
I know I can resist this temptation even though she looks like a small devil burning everything on her path.
Prince`s friend: You know that`s superficial
Prince: The devil take it! Cinderella is so beautiful, no woman in this room can outshine her.
Both: CHEERS!.

(Cinderella rides the bike and goes to the party)
At the party

Cinderella: My love, my love, (She shouts in the event hall) I’m here, sorry for arriving late (she hugs the prince saying) I have waited months for you!
(Prince’s friend is looking at askance Cinderella)
Prince’s friend: You must be kidding man, this must be a joke. Is this the person you told me you were interested in introducing to me? I thought you were going to introduce to me someone better. Do you really think I deserve a princess like her? This is not my kind of woman, I prefer to stay alone. I have no words; what is happening to you? This woman is so awful, I cannot be with someone like her.

Prince: She looked different before, but now yes! She looks like a monster. I think she’s not the person I am looking for you.

(Cinderella gets out of the party crying,)

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