lunes, 13 de junio de 2016



“Te amaré”

Ya no puedo esperar encontrarte,
Ya no puedo esperar en mirarte
En medio de la distancia yo sé que me esperarás,
Seguro estaremos juntos porque Dios nos guiará.

Pre-coro: Te extrañaré al no tenerte cerca
Te pensaré cada día hasta que vuelvas


//Te amaré y tú me amarás a mí
Y en tus ojos me lo dirás
Te amaré y tú me amarás a mí
Aunque el tiempo no sea igual.//

Estar cerca de ti me complace
Estar cerca de ti me hace amarte
Y aunque yo no te pueda ver, en ti confiaré
Prometo amarte más de una vez, yo lo cumpliré.

“I will love you”
(June 22nd-2015)

I can’t wait for finding you,
I can´t wait for looking at you,
Even in the distance, I know you will wait for me.
We will be saved because God will guide us.

Pre-chorus: I will miss you without you around
Every day I will think of you until you come back.


//I will love you and you will love me,
You will say it through your eyes.
I will love you and you will love me
Even when time doesn’t be the same.//

To be close to you make me happy.
To be close to you make me love you
Even though I can’t see you, I will trust in you

I promise love you more than once, I will do it.


Cuando pienso en el amor que necesito,
Yo sé bien, que solo en tus brazos lo encontraré
Y al reconocer mi flaqueza y mi necesidad
Me rindo ante Ti, lo entrego todo a ti.


Hoy veo tus ojos de amor, llenando mi alma de valor
Y al fin yo sé, que encontré mi nuevo amor.
Tus brazos me llevan al lugar, donde solo allí puedo tener paz,
 Y es tu amor, que conquistó mi corazón.


When I think about the love that I need,
I know, that just in your arms I will find it.
And when I recognize my feebleness and my weakness
I surrender to you; I give it all to you.


Today I see your eyes of love, filling my soul of courage.
And finally I know that I found my new love.
Your arms take me to a place, where just there I can feel peace,
And it’s your love that captivated my heart.



What is faith about?

According to the dictionary faith is defined as a strong belief or trust in someone or something is a belief in the existence of God, are strong religious feelings or beliefs, or a system of religious beliefs. Faith is not a matter of humans; it goes deeper than that. It’s not something that you can easily explain. It goes beyond the expectation, beyond your imagination, beyond your reasoning; it’s more from your spirit. According to the bible faith is that to have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.

Most people say they have faith in things. They believe in God, in a better future, in good people, in politicians, they believe in a heaven and a hell and that is great because are good things in life, but also they can believe on exactly the contrary. They have faith that business are not going to be okay, that family or a special person never is going to change; they have faith to believe that the president is not going to help the country to enhance, and I can say many things here about what we or what people believe. Now the question what do we believe?  In what have we faith? Our faith really matters, because normally what we believe is what is going to happen.

We have to learn to administer our faith, what we believe is what we are going to see, what we hope is what we are going to receive. It’s up to us to believe in those things that will help as to stay in the correct place. 

Music for the soul

I’m one of the people that think music is more than that. Since I was in my mom’s belly I demonstrated the passion for the music. My parents used to play songs and to sing to me, consequently, while I listened to those sounds they said that I made some movements inside. Then, when I was a child I began to sing in my church. My mom has sung from a really young age, so she pushed me to sing as her. I just started to do it and I realized that I did not do it so bad, and because of that I continued doing it. I started loving music because I loved to listen it to at every moment. I remember we just had a tape recorder and cassettes because at that time did not exist laptops or a sound system, it was just that. So, if I liked so much a song I used to put it over and over again.

But, thinking more about that, I believe music is not just songs, melodies, lyrics or noise. It is more than that; It is soul inspiration, love and passion. Music has a real power. I know I am not just the only person that loves music, I think every person loves to listen it and loves to sing it too. And that’s the reason why I believe music has something special. You can calm yourself listening to a soft song that contains words of encouragement and hope, also you can start your daily routine much happier if you play a song of joy, but also if you have had a bad day you can be much sadder if you just sing songs full of melancholy and sadness. That’s the power of music, and we cannot explain that, we just feel that.  It’s a mysterious thing but music can control our feelings, can impulse ourselves to do or not to do certain thing. I think we must take advantage of that and go through music as an alternative to be happier and to stabilize our feelings.

Real love waits

Most of people think that love is not what it seems. They believe that in life it is not necessary to wait, but to look for. Nowadays, we are used to live in a world where everything is fast. We can get fast food, fast information, fast communication; easier ways to get services like buy a clothes etc. Globalization has made people lazy. Now people don’t need to do a huge effort to obtain what they want, but also impatient people that want to receive everything what they long for right now. But if these are just things, what can we say about what is inside?, about our feelings and our decisions to love? Are we willing to wait for a real love?    

Many people don’t believe that it is necessary to wait for the right person; they just think we have to taste and to enjoy life with all its candies. With regards to relationships, young people are those who believe we need to gain experience, maybe they don’t think about the consequences but just in to have a great moment with a girl or with a boy. They believe they are looking for love but at the end they found themselves in isolation.

Real love is always able to wait. To wait for the correct person, to wait for right moments, to wait for the right words, to wait for the right places, there is not important how much it costs, the important is to be patient, be tolerant, and have the appropriate training of being the best person for that person who is coming. In conclusion, real love is able to sacrifice time, money, people, and places in order to have the person that best fixes with him or her.  

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails”. 1 Corintios 13:4-8


Have you ever thought about death? Do you ever think about dying? Or have you imagined your own death?. It’s common that we never think about dying, it’s not usual for us to think about that, because we are just thinking on the daily routine, that we have to live for working, and working for eating, and eating for living and that become a vicious circle. Actually, most people don’t believe in death, they just prefer don’t think about that but live from day to day.

We are simply accustomed to live as if we’re supposed to live for the eternity; we think that we are never going to die and that death is not for us. But now, I think we have to estimate death as important as life, and because of that we have to live in this earth as if we knew that there is life after death. Maybe people never think about death because they believe there is no more after that, but what I think is after death there is much more of what we suppose, there is an eternal life maybe it won’t be the same life for all people but it will be eternal for everyone.

There are many testimonies and evidences that after death there is a peace place but also a despair one that people who have died and come back to life can prove but also the bible can assure. I think it is important to think in how to live in this world, but also it’s important to think about life after death, we need to think about that and to guide our steps on a life worthy of that save and peace place.  

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